Monday, March 4, 2013

~Book Recommendation~

      Helloooooooo and happy March to all of y'all! I am so extremely happy that Spring is nearly here. I was just telling some friends that I have had Spring fever since December. I'm even wearing a summer skirt and a tank top right now. It is 45 degrees outside. BUT, the sun is smiling and so am I. :) Alright, so I have had some time on my hands lately. Not really a lot of time, but more than I have had all school year. At any rate, I have been reading a book(, really???;P). This book is Chosen By God by R.C Sproul. It is one of my favorite books ever. I have had a hard time getting into theological books in the past. Not that I don't love theology, because I definitely do. But, I have found that this book is really easy to get into and the subject matter happens to be one of my favorites: election and predestination. There are so many questions that come up about Arminianism vs. Calvinism. It is one of the most discussed issues among the Church. Most people seem to want to avoid the topic because they don't want their view of God to be challenged. That is totally wrong. I mean, if you love God and want to know His will and His words to YOU  (that are meant to be understood, by the way..why would God give us the Bible and not let us understand it?)then you have got to search out the hard things! I know I have been guilty of this same wrong, but I have always been glad when I have been has built me up every time. SO anywayyyyyyy...This book answers those questions and gives a whole new angle on Christ's sovereignty and plan of salvation. I highly recommend it.If any of you live near me, I would be more than pleased to lend you my copy. I am totally going to keep you guys accountable on reading this. I might bug you every month until you read it. Really, I am not kidding. :) Those of you who HAVE read it know exactly why I love this book so much. Please comment and get others interested in this book! If this topic is new to you and you DO end up reading the will change your life. That's dramatic, I know. For real, though, it probably will.  It sure changed my view of God and the whole Bible after reading it! Alright, I will quit rambling. I totally don't write in paragraphs, I know this. Deal. ;P Also I am not adding a picture which irks me, but I don't feel like going through the extra steps. Lazy day.


  1. Hi miss! Happy almost spring to you to!! I have just started that book… I'm on like chapter one(big accomplishment, right? ;P). Ok, so anyway, I'm sure tht it will be an interesting read, I hardly know halve the christian-y terms, but mr. Cox said tht he would help me if I had any questions, so yep. :).

    1. Hi sir! Oh hooray! Keep me updated on how it is going! Hehe Christian-y terms...I do know what you mean. We are used to hearing a lot of terms because we grow up in hearing them from people in church and at home, but a lot of the time we don't even know how to define them. Yes, ask Mr.Cox fosho. Good luck...wait here this is more correct: May providential blessing be bestowed upon you! ;P;P Funny.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ok, I will keep you posted on how it goes, I'm on chpt.2 right now, it's good. Haha, yah, I don't like christain-y terms that much… well it's just that I can't understand them :P. Yah, I will talk to mr. Cox fosho! I'm sure that he will be a great help. Haha, well I don't care if you say good luck, I don't care, I've gotten in trouble with some peeps for saying that :P

    4. Why don't you like "Christian-y" terms...well if someone explains them to you will you like them?:) Oh I say good luck all the time. I don't really care if people get upset with me...thats one seriously sensitive person if they can't take it:) Of course I believe God is soveriegn, but I have no problem with saying "good luck".

  2. When you are done, I shall come to your home and abscond with the material.

    Really, though, I would love to borrow it, but we might have it, and I have a long list of things I must read...My Dads library is calling to me!

    So excited about spring!!! I want shorts and sandals and tank tops!

    1. Yes Rae, you do that:) are funny. You are welcome to borrow it when I'm finished! Knowing your dad, he probably does have it. ;)

  3. Chosen by God is a fantastic book! I really enjoyed it!
