Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 Ok, So I went and added a picture to my original "Happy thoughts" post...just so ya know...I don't like not having a picture along with a post, that's just me.  That also means that I have to add one along with this post even though it is simply a note. So this is one of the glorious skies I get to see. I went and took this off of our deck. I'm not a photographer, so...you know, it isn't nice. But I assure you the sky was lovely(Don't worry. I will get you that big picture post soon, you know who you are ;) )



  1. wow! nice picture! I have a really hard time capturing it how I want it in a picture. You did a great job!

  2. Thanks Hannah Dear! I just stepped out of the door and snapped it...I don't do that fancy stuff..hehe...oh well. It was good to hear from you!
