Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blessing Inventory

So, this morning Mr. Bearchell led communion. He asked us, "Have you taken inventory of your blessings lately?" answer would have been no if we were to answer aloud. So I decided to list things that have been a blessing to me lately. These aren't in order, probably by the way.

-God! Of course, He gives us life and everything else that we need! He is the reason that anything else can be considered a blessing..Because He is the giver of every good thing.
-Daddy..For so many reasons. No one could ask for a better dad. He loves us, works hard for us, he loves God, he encourages us to strive after the Lord and things of the Lord, he prays for us, he is funny and enjoyable to be around, etc.,etc.,etc..
-Mum...she works very hard to keep us all in line and run this home. She does a wonderful job and supports Dad in all he endeavors to do. She is very funny and know how to take a joke, which I appreciate a whole lot.:)
-Emma...I can tell her everything and we have a lot of fun together. We laugh and we are best friends and we know each other better than anyone else.(I'm trying to keep this short.)
-Sophie...she and I are a lot alike, yet so different. We enjoy our deep little discussions...haha, inside joke. She always has some odd surprise left in my room for me...
-Tommy...he is good company and has lots of good things to say. He and I are a lot alike, actually...sometimes we are best friends, but sometimes we are both stubborn "firstborns"(he of the boys and me of the girls)
Ian...He makes me laugh..he is very creative and talented. He knows just the thing that needs to be said to cheer you up.
Amelia...sorry, can't describe is hard. She is a combination of all of us! Amelia is fun and sweet and very helpful.
-Friends.... This week especially ,Karah, Britta, Emilie, Haley, Hannah, and Rachael.
-The hope of rain and monsoons!!! I have been looking forward to this lovely season for months and months.
-Outside. I better keep my mouth shut on this one, because I have a ton to say about God's creation and it's wonderful beauty and the thrill of it all...mostly about monsoons and cows (just kidding about the cows, Rachael...)
-books...wonderful books...nothing in particular..Just books in general are very pleasant. I will talk about it more in the future, no doubt. Maybe in October..Very inspiring month.
-my notebook and pencils...not saying anymore...writing is just my favorite..Some of it is meant for other's amusement, some of it is just for me. Someday I will post something that I have written.

So these are just a few things, but I will try to make my blessing inventory more of a common occurrence


  1. Very good post, I am working on counting my blessings as well. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing Maddie! We all need to do this more often, and I know I am no exception. I think we tend to think more about the things in life that aren't going our way, but if we take the time to look at what God has done we can see how very good He is!

  3. Thanks to both of you! Yes, I agree with you, Kiah, it is so very easy for me to grumble about everything. So I was overdue for a blessing count.:) I didn't get them all on there of course, but I can always do another post.haha!

  4. Thanks for reminding me to thank the LORD! I don't know why I didn't see this post before! I am supposed to be getting email updates! I havent even checked you blog in forever cause I thought you adnt posted anything! I need to fix this....
    Great post, except that my Dad is the best Dad in the world:)

  5. Thanks Rach! Yeah well, I think people gave up hope that I would ever post anything..but I do now! :) You have a great dad too, Rae...haha!! You're funny.
