Monday, December 31, 2012

Last post of the year!

ok this is crazy short. I'm off to sledding now, so I have no time to write longer. This year has been an amazing one. Praise the Lord for His bounty and mercy! Hope your new years eve is fun and your new year is full of blessing!
Maddie  OH picture, I realize that. You know how I hate that. Oh well. Pretend there is one up here anyway.


  1. This year has been amazing!! Have fun sledding. I wish we had snow to sled on. I am sure I will enjoy my new year's eve. Enjoy yours!! I pray you have a blessed new year. I also hope we get to see each other more often this year. :)

  2. Hi Maddie! Have a blessed new year! :) I hope we see you soon! :)I Love you all! :)

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I really like the picture you posted! Its cool how it blends in so well with your blog back ground ;D!! lol

  4. Sorry for the late reply here! Haha...haven't been on the computer for 2 weeks. Oh yeah, Jeremy, the background picture is so incredible. I bet you're jealous you didn't think of taking one like that. haha...jk;)
